Katie Reuther’s interests lie in the development and translation of early-stage medical technologies and discoveries and is an experienced educator in this area. She is currently a Senior Lecturer in Design, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University, with additional appointments as the Director of the Columbia Biomedical Technology Accelerator (BiomedX) Program and the Director of Master’s Studies. The BiomedX program provides funding, education, and support to students and faculty interested in commercializing their biomedical inventions. She has advised and educated numerous student and faculty teams and start-ups in developing and commercializing medical technologies.
Prior to joining Columbia and while pursuing her PhD, Reuther served as a Research Assistant at the McKay Orthopaedic Research Laboratory. Her dissertation researched focused on determining fundamental relationships and mechanisms of tendon and ligament injury and repair, with a particular emphasis on tissue mechanics and the shoulder. She continues to apply her research expertise through collaborations with the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Columbia University, with a specific focus on translational orthopaedic clinical research. The goal of her current work is to optimize surgical and non-surgical treatment strategies for shoulder injury.
Reuther received a BS in Biomedical Engineering (with an emphasis in Mechanical Engineering) from The College of New Jersey, a PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and an MBA from Columbia University.
Learn more about Professor Reuther and her work here.