Sarah Holloway is the Senior Fellow for Social Impact at Columbia Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Design. She has worked in the public and nonprofit sector for 25 years. She is currently a full-time member of the SIPA faculty where she teaches Nonprofit Financial Management and Social Entrepreneurship. In addition to teaching, she runs the school’s Management Specialization–a set of courses and activities that support knowledge and skill building in non-profit, for-profit and social enterprise management.
Her areas of interest are social enterprise start ups, K-12 education and education technology with a particular focus on urban and NYC efforts. She is founder or co-founder of six start up organizations including MOUSE.org and CSNYC.
Sarah is a member the Boards of the NYC Foundation for Computer Science Education (CSNYC), The Armory Foundation, Mission Restore, Five One Labs Columbia Entrepreneurship. She is a former board member of The Institute of Play, LIFT Investments, the Ft. Tryon Park Trust, Friends of Public School 187 and the New York City Workforce Investment Board.
Sarah received a Bachelor’s degree from Bowdoin College and a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) from SIPA.