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Columbia Technology Ventures

BiomedX Pitch Day



May 1st, 8:30a – 1:00p

Columbia University – Davis Auditorium, 530 W 120th St Manhattan, NY 10027

RSVP: https://biomedxpitch.splashthat.com/

On Wednesday, May 1st, teams of Columbia University scientists, engineers, clinicians, and students, will pitch their envisioned technologies and business opportunities to a panel of judges and invited guests for potential commercialization support. This is the culminating event of a semester long technology commercialization “bootcamp” during which teams have been working to develop their cutting-edge biomedical technologies and research from the lab and into the market.

Each team will convey their findings on the following fundamental questions to a panel of judges and industry experts:

  1. Does the envisioned product address a true unmet clinical need?
  2. Is there a viable business opportunity?

Join for the final event of this exciting program. Food and refreshments will be served.