You’re invited to join
TechNY at TechSuds
for an evening of networking with industry peers at
Black Barn, a stylish new restaurant & bar in the heart of Flatiron
TechSuds is a unique opportunity to socialize and interact with your peers from all aspect of New York’s tech scene. There are no annoying interruptions, speeches or presentations. Best of all, its free if you preregister!
Free admission with preregistration
($15 at the door)
Sponsored by Hooch – A private cocktail society.
Hooch gets you one free drink a day – every day – at any of our venue partners across NYC, Miami, Los Angeles, Dallas, Austin & more!
Download the app today, enter invite code “blackbarn” and get your first month for only $1, PLUS the first round at TechSuds is ON US! Cheers! (