Founded in 2014, Be Girl emerged from Diana Sierra’s ʼ12EI work in Uganda with Millennium Promise, an international group focused on empowering communities to lift themselves out of poverty. Be Girl is the response to critical problems she found among girls and women in the community who lacked access to menstrual management products. Diana met her co-founder, Pablo Freund ʼ12EI, while pursuing their MSc in Sustainability Management degrees at the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Pablo and Diana combine their educations with over 15 years of experience in design, product innovation, financial management, and impact interventions.
Their commitment is to design products for all womankind that balance the needs the individual with environmental impact.
Soon Be Girl will revolutionize menstrual management through a affordable and adaptable sanitary pad that combines high-performance materials with an environmentally friendly and customizable alternative to disposable products. In the Fall of 2015 Be Girl will introduce its new line of products for the US and globally and will begin a new series of fundraising.
Visit www.begirl.org to learn more!