The Take was originally founded as “Gimme Gimme” for Steve Blank’s Lean Launchpad class at Columbia Busiiness School by Tyler Cooper ‘13BUS. He recruited Jared Borwarnik ‘16SEAS and Vince Crossley ‘13BUS to join the team and built out the initial vision of the business. Following Lean Launchpad, the team continued and capitalized on additional Columbia resources including the Columbia Business Lab where the team currently holds offices.
Prior to founding TheTake, Tyler Cooper, Chief Executive Officer, spent 7 years at MGM Studios where he ran the NYC based cable sales office and managed partnerships with MTV, Bravo, Oxygen, History, and numerous other networks.
Jared Browarnik, Chief Technology Officer, is an Egleston scholar from the Columbia Engineering School. Prior to TheTake, Jared co-founded a software development company which has developed applications totaling over 250,000 downloads, including one of the first 75 apps created for the Leap Motion.
Vincent Crossley, Chief Product Officer, has a product management design and engineering background. He has built consumer products at leading technology companies including Amazon and IAC. Before TheTake, Vincent co-founded offMetro.com, a travel website with over 75,000 monthly users.