Vidrovr was founded by two PhD Students in the Digital Video and Multimedia Lab at Columbia University: Joseph Ellis ’17CC and Daniel Morozoff ’16CC.
Vidrovr addresses three key market needs: 1. Domain and customer specific automatic metadata generation for videos, 2. Video Content Management solutions that enable automatic placement and recommendation of video clips for digital products, and 3. Automatically linking and sourcing visual social media content that is relevant to a particular video or online article before it is published.
The Vidrovr duo has developed an award-winning and patented system for processing news videos and social media, called News Rover, and the technologies developed for this system are directly leveraged in Vidrovr products. Vidrovr is currently working with enterprise customers to design products and systems that provide value to news rooms, archivists, and digital product creators.
If you are overwhelmed with your video content or simply looking to learn more, please feel free to reach out to us at contact@vidrovr.com, and visit our website at vidrovr.com.