Coach Bill Campbell
Inspired by the incredible example of mentorship and generosity provided to so many Columbians by our great friend Coach Bill Campbell, Columbia Entrepreneurship, along with our many collaborators across Columbia, has formally launched the #CoachingColumbia movement.
It’s exactly Bill’s type of generosity and the spirit of “paying it forward” that has given momentum to the entrepreneurship culture of Columbia University. Entrepreneurship curriculum is robust and expanding. Students, faculty, and alumni alike are heavily engaged. Creative collaborations are flourishing between partners such as the student club Columbia Organization for Rising Entrepreneurs, the alumni organization Columbia Venture Community, the Eugene Lang Entrepreneurship Center at the Business School, Columbia Engineering Entrepreneurship, and the many other nodes of entrepreneurship across campus.
We launch this movement because we’re especially grateful to so many of our alumni who sustain Coach Campbell’s tradition of giving great mentorship and advice to fledgling Columbia entrepreneurs. These alumni selflessly give their time and wisdom to the next generation across campus during the academic year, downtown at the Columbia Startup Lab, and across the world in the global Columbia alumni community.
So to recognize their contributions, we’re launching this #CoachingColumbia movement.
How does it work? Whenever an alum mentors a Columbia founder somewhere around campus, in our classrooms, and/or at Columbia Startup Lab, we want to post their picture on social media along with #CoachingColumbia to recognize their contribution and thank them publicly for their time. We hope it inspires future generations of Columbians to return and give back in the years to come.
So join in, follow us on Twitter @columbiaeship – start tweeting and retweeting, and watch for this #CoachingColumbia hashtag on all of our respective channels: