Our next Monthly Meetup will take place on Tuesday, July 12th 2016 at 7 p.m. at the Skirball Center at NYU (566 LaGuardia Place.) Tickets went on sale for this event on June 8th and will be available while supplies last. Secure your seats at: http://www.meetup.com/ny-tech/events/229675481/
In celebration of RaisedBy.Us Week, this month’s Meetup theme is social good– we’ll be announcing demos soon. You can find the details of this special week in our featured partner section below.
And you should definitely stay for the afterparty this month – free ice cream will be provided by this month’s sponsor, Ulster County!
THANK YOU to Ulster County New York for Sponsoring this Month’s Meetup:
Ulster County New York invites techpreneurs and remote workers to discover an alternative, attractive way of life less than 100 miles up the Hudson River. Lower costs, four-season recreation, charming towns and villages, renowned artist community, and active and growing tech community – all less than 2 hours away. Techpreneurs are invited to visit one of the many top Ulster County events this year for FREE, including the Woodstock Film Festival, Garlic Festival, Hudson Valley RibFest and more. Visit www.UlsterForBusiness.com for details and more information on Ulster County, NY.