Konstantin Mehl ’13SIPA founded Kaia Health to provide the first digital therapy against back pain. During his studies at Columbia, he suffered from severe episodes of back pain himself and went through a lot of ineffective and expensive therapies. He, like most back pain patients, were treated ineffectively. Finally, he discovered the highly effective, yet costly, multimodal pain therapy and his pain level got down to zero.
At Kaia, the vision is to provide digital access to the most effective chronic pain therapies for everyone, everywhere. Back pain sufferers can therefore get the treatment they need faster and for a lower cost. Together with leading pain centers, the Kaia team digitized the multimodal therapy for back pain, which consists of three pillars: physiotherapy, psychotherapy, and patient education.
In the therapy app, patients go through a self-assessment based and are then assigned a basic exercise class. Throughout the program, the user constantly gives feedback and tracks pain and sleep levels daily. All this data is used to constantly adjust and optimize the program to fit the individual’s needs. The algorithms constantly reviews red and yellow flags (e.g. depression, inflammatory pain) and, if necessary, directs patients to a medical specialist.
Kaia empowers patients to actively fight the roots of their chronic condition with a customized multimodal therapy program and an AI-powered physiotherapist, all accessible 24/7 in the comfort of the user’s home.
The Kaia app is available on the App Store and on Google Play. Visit kaia-health.com and start your 7-day free trial today!
All Columbia members get a 12-month access to the App for free (usually costs 29$ per month), just send an email to konstantin@kaia-health.com