April 25, 2018
4:00 – 7:00pm
Vagelos Education Center – Milstein Lobby
104 Haven Ave
Please join Columbia BiomedX and the Department of Rehabilitation and Regenrative Medicine, for an open house showcasing some of the exciting biomedical device-related projects under development at Columbia. The event will feature demonstrations and highlights of biomedical technologies and an opportunity to establish connections to further enhance Columbia’s network of engineer-clinician teams working to develop groundbreaking innovative technologies capable of improving human health.
Who should attend?: Anyone interested in biomedical innovation in general and what it takes to move a device from the lab to the market; Those interested in surgical robotics, bedside imaging modalities, and rehab robotics in particular; Clinicians who have been nurturing an idea and want a better way to approach it and/or connect with someone who can help build an envisioned technology.
Hosts: Co-hosted by the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Columbia Biomedical Technology Accelerator (Columbia BiomedX), and Columbia Technology Ventures