This event has passed. Columbia Data Science Institute Data Science Institute Poster Session: Smart Cities Mudd Hall, 500 W. 120 St., New York, NY 10027 Room/Area: 407 (Data Science Institute) The Data Science Institute invites you to poster session that will highlight some of the recent and current research done by our centers. Open to the public an larger Columbia community. Light refreshments provided. Event Contact Information: Data Science Institute 212-854-5660 Share
This event has passed. Columbia Data Science Institute Data Science Institute Poster Session: Smart Cities Mudd Hall, 500 W. 120 St., New York, NY 10027 Room/Area: 407 (Data Science Institute) The Data Science Institute invites you to poster session that will highlight some of the recent and current research done by our centers. Open to the public an larger Columbia community. Light refreshments provided. Event Contact Information: Data Science Institute 212-854-5660 Share