OPEN TO ALL REGISTER HERE HACKtheMACHINE is where people from all walks of life—from software engineers to graphic designers, from students to start-up CEOs—help the Navy solve its foremost digital […]
Design Challenge: Census 2020
OPEN TO ALL COLUMBIA STUDENTS (INCLUDING TEACHERS COLLEGE AND BARNARD) REGISTER HERE Columbia Engineering is pleased to be working with the New York City Office of the Census to launch […]
Application Deadline – Columbia Technology Founder’s Track (CTech)
Open to rising second-year MBA students and SEAS graduate students who are dedicated to launching and growing a technology startup. LEARN MORE AND APPLY HERE Join the next cohort of […]
Application Deadline: Demo at NYC Media Lab’s Annual Summit
OPEN TO FACULTY, STUDENTS, AND UNIVERSITY-AFFILIATED STARTUPS APPLY HERE Faculty, Students, and University Affiliated Startups: The NYCML'19 Demo Expo will take place Thursday, September 26 at New York City College of Technology […]
Columbia Organization for Rising Entrepreneurs (CORE) Town Hall
Find out about the Columbia Organization for Rising Entrepreneurs (CORE) at their Town Hall meeting on Thursday, September 12 in Lerner 555!
Reboot the Earth Hackathon
OPEN TO ALL COLUMBIA STUDENTS REGISTER HERE Students are invited to join this Hackathon organized by the UN Youth Envoy: Reboot the Earth Hackathon, which will take place in Hudson Yards […]
Third Thursday
OPEN TO ALL COLUMBIANS RSVP HERE Third Thursday is a recurring open forum and networking session for the Columbia University entrepreneurship community. It provides students, faculty, staff, and alumni the […]
Fall 2019 Application Deadline – Design Your Venture
2019 Applications are now closed. Please join Columbia Entrepreneurship's mailing list to see if applications open for 2020. Are you an entrepreneurial Columbia student? Is there a specific challenge or a problem you are passionate about solving? Do you want to develop practical approaches that will lead to sustainable solutions? The Design Your Venture program […]
Application Deadline – Design Your Future
OPEN TO COLUMBIANS (Including Barnard and Teachers College) APPLY HERE The future can feel uncertain, so we’ve created Design Your Future as a three-session program where students learn to apply […]
NextGen Cleantech, a NYC Climate Week Event
OPEN TO ALL RSVP HERE NextGen Cleantech is a NYC Climate Week event on September 24th that will provide an opportunity to meet a number of startups. Hosted by PowerBridgeNY in partnership with 76West, CEBIP, Cleantech Open, M-Corps, and the NYSERDA EIR program, over 60 startups including both current program participants and past alumni will showcase.