Athena Entrepreneurs Weekly Meetups
These meetups, open to aspiring and emerging women and nonbinary entrepreneurs from Barnard and Columbia, are a forum for collaboration, peer support, and mentorship from experts, including Athena’s EIR. Guest experts regularly drop in to share wisdom and insights, sticking around for one-on-one conversations with student entrepreneurs. Learn more about Athena Entrepreneurs here.
Deadline: Brown Institute Innovation Challenge in Journalism, Media, and Technology
This Challenges encourages new tech-based or tech-enabled forms of media — these might make novel uses of computer vision, AI, NLP, ML, data visualization or even VR/AR to create, communicate, […]
CORE’s Still We Rise: Black Student Entrepreneurship Panel
This event with Black founders from Columbia and Barnard includes Yelissa Lopez and Stephen Mgbemeje from Upcomers, Zusi Inegbeniki from Millenium Angel Marketing Agency, Mazen Alsafi from Barriers, and Shaniqua Davis from Exclusive Beauty Hair Salon. This event is the third installment within CORE Elevate's Black History Month series entitled Still We Rise. Despite the […]
Funding Deadline: Tamer Fund for Social Ventures, Spring 2022
The Tamer Fund for Social Ventures provides seed grants to nonprofit, for-profit, and hybrid early-stage Columbia University-affiliated social and environmental ventures. There are two deadlines for applications for the Tamer […]
Applications Open for the Columbia Startup Lab 2022-2023 Cohort
Applications for the 2022-2023 Cohort of the Columbia Startup Lab are now OPEN! Columbia alumni, graduating by June 1, 2022 and including Teachers College and Barnard, are eligible to apply. […]
Application Deadline: Healthcare Venture Day Pitch Competition
Open to all CU graduate and undergraduate students, Healthcare Venture Day showcases the passionate and talented student founders across Columbia University, featuring pitches of their innovative, world-changing companies solving the toughest problems, with an ambition to scale across healthcare industry. Apply by March 1 to be considered for the competition: The winning student/team will receive […]
Open Studio Hours
During Studio Hours, student teams or individuals are invited to discuss their projects or ideas one-on-one with human-centered designers in the Design Studio. This is a time to discuss ideation, prototyping, customer discovery, and next steps for your venture. Students are also welcome to use the studio space for working independently on their entrepreneurial projects. No need to RSVP! Learn […]
Open Studio Hours
During Studio Hours, student teams or individuals are invited to discuss their projects or ideas one-on-one with human-centered designers in the Columbia Entrepreneurship Design Studio. This is a time to discuss ideation, prototyping, customer discovery, and next steps for your venture. Students are also welcome to use the studio space for working independently on their entrepreneurial projects. No need to […]
Columbia Startup Lab Virtual Open House | Spring 2022
The Columbia Startup Lab opens its seats to a new group of Columbia-founded startups this June, and applications go live on March 1! Join us for a virtual Open House on March 3 for a chance to meet the team, see the space, and hear from a few resident ventures. RSVP
Athena Entrepreneurs Weekly Meetups
These meetups, open to aspiring and emerging women and nonbinary entrepreneurs from Barnard and Columbia, are a forum for collaboration, peer support, and mentorship from experts, including Athena’s EIR. Guest experts regularly drop in to share wisdom and insights, sticking around for one-on-one conversations with student entrepreneurs. Learn more about Athena Entrepreneurs here - join at […]