Goaloop® is the one-stop solution for goal achievement, uniting funding, collaborators, social media and tools around your goal. Got a goal? Goaloop it! Like YouTube is for videos, and Amazon is for products, Goaloop is for goals.
Goaloop helps you reach your goals and connects the world through goals. Set goals as an individual, a group, non-profit, business, city – you name it! State your goal, and resources appear to help you reach it. Goaloop has been called “search inverted:” it brings the web to you, tailored to your goal. A goal to learn the guitar matches a goal to teach guitar, and sell guitars, and make guitars. Goaloop matches goals at the speed of search with increasing precision, making it easy to help others as you help yourself. Achieve, support and motivate others through financial rewards, penalties, and other incentives. Find goals seeking mentors or mentees to share or learn skills, or adapt them into new industries. Goaloop scales from your one personal goal to goals all over the world.
Most networks connect people based on ‘who’ you know. Goaloop connects people based on ‘what’ your goals are. Goaloop uses the goal to transcend social, business, and ideological boundaries, to unite us and focus on getting things done, expanding social circles and creating new commercial opportunities. No matter what goal you have, someone else has a goal that will help you to achieve it.
Studies show we are addicted to social media and digital devices, yet we have trouble focusing on our goals. Goaloop harnesses technology to ‘addict’ you to your own goals. Your goal activity stream enables effortless focus on your goals. Goaloop is the ultimate Goal Manager®, where all of your goals, tasks, missions, intentions, and habits are organized and prioritized in one place. Express who you are by what you’re seeking to achieve: Your customizable profile page on Goaloop lists the goals you’ve set, the goals you’ve joined, and the results of your goals – you control what is seen. Get Found® and find others based on goals. Goaloop is patent pending.
We live in a globalized world with global opportunities and global problems yet we do not have a global productivity platform, until now: Goaloop is based on the belief that by connecting goals, we can achieve anything together.
Following the financial crash of 2008, Goaloop grew from Lori Terrizzi’s (MFA, Film, GSOA) conclusion that the goal is the origin of all action, the common denominator among all productivity, the smallest unit of human motivation, a humanistic unit, a creative unit, a narrative unit, a measurable unit, our natural currency as well as a commodity. The Goal Market® would be a new unifying marketplace for the 21st century, the world’s first level marketplace, where funding is optional, connecting all productivity by the common denominator of our goals, from Wall Street to Main Street to the sidewalk vendor and your mobile office. Goaloop enables you to seek funding for your goals and fund the goals of others in six ways: donate, pledge, hedge, buy, bid, invest. The goal is a unit of productivity, and behavior; our Goal Index® measures economic activity in brand new ways. Over the course of eighteen months, as if writing a book, she used images and code to ‘write’ this website. She knew she’d eventually need to find an expert engineer to take the demo she was creating to build a fully functioning, scalable site. She formed an interdisciplinary team with friends, and recruited from her alma mater.
Columbians on Goaloop’s team include CEO/Founder + Site Architect Lori Terrizzi, CTO Kaushal Kumar (MS, Computer Science, SEAS), Chief Information Officer Dr. Shlomo Hershkop (PhD, Computer Science, SEAS); Founding members Kelly Whiteside (MA, Journalism, GSJ), Dr. Ellen Lukens, Sylvia D. and Mose J. Firestone Centennial Professor of Professional Practice (PhD, Sociomedical Sciences, Public Health, GSAS), Nishant Shah (MS, SIPA); Paul Nikolaidis (MS, Social Enterprise, SSW), Wilson Lui (MS, Data Science, DSI), Edugie Ojo (BA, Barnard College), Autumn Lujia Chen (MS, Electrical Engineering, SEAS), Ban Wang (MS, Electrical Engineering, SEAS); Advisory Board members Janet Hanson (MBA, CBS), Founder/Former CEO of 85 Broads (now Ellevate), Dr. Srikumar Ro (PhD, CBS), Sankha Dey (MS, SEAS), and Dr. Anastasia Romanou, Research Oceanographer, NASA-Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Lawyers Ronald A. Fleming, Esq. (JD, CLS), and Charles R. Macedo, Esq. (JD, CLS).
Goaloop was recently invited to be a client of Yale Law School’s new Entrepreneurship & Innovation Clinic:
Join Goaloop in beta at https://goaloop.com.