Project Well provides personalized food and nutrition solutions to Medicare Advantage (MA) members with nutritionally sensitive chronic diseases and at risk of food insecurity.
Project Well was founded by Lauren Driscoll, ’94MPH with the belief that ‘Food is Medicine’ and an understanding of anticipated policy changes in Medicare.
Research has shown that the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) like food security, housing, social and economic security contribute to four-fifths of our physical well-being. Project Well aims to improve the lives of those suffering from SDoH, as thoroughly, effectively, and sustainably as possible. Food is the tip of the spear, since “food environment” is the most commonly reported social need, and dietary risks are the predominant driver of deaths due to non-communicable disease. Those who suffer from economic insecurity or social isolation are almost always also at risk of food insecurity and nutritionally sensitive chronic disease.
Project Well tackles these complex issues by providing personalized food and nutrition solutions to Medicare Advantage (MA) members with nutritionally sensitive chronic diseases and at risk of food insecurity. Research has shown meal delivery programs leads to reduction in emergency department visits, ambulance use, hospital readmission and overall healthcare spending, incentivizing health plans to pay for Project Well’s services.
Project Well screens for those most at-risk for food insecurity and nutritionally sensitive chronic disease; engages members by phone and/or tech-enabled processes to learn about their needs, preferences and circumstances and empowers members with customized food choices. This hyper-personalization and empathy towards individual choice is what sets Project Well apart from competitors. If “food is medicine,” and it is known that medication adherence is critical, shouldn’t members be served food they will enjoy eating? In addition, Project Well connects those not eligible for meal benefits from their health plan with community resources or SNAP.