Edun Sela ’17SIPA is the Founding Director of Reut USA, a nonprofit social venture that seeks to bring the Israel-based Reut Group‘s knowledge and projects to the US.
Established in 2016, Reut USA aims to empower mission-driven organizations to maximize their impact and thrive. It accomplishes this by helping them craft a vision, crystallize their unique value proposition, and develop an effective strategy. Reut USA also looks to inspire and support a global movement of volunteer innovators who create and disseminate affordable solutions to neglected problems of people with disabilities (see video).
In two and a half years, Reut USA has prototyped nearly 200 new products and engaged nearly 1,500 top professionals. Check out some examples of prototypes from TOM: Bay Area (in partnership with Google) and TOM TLV events, or join the TOM community through the Reut USA website.