StorySavor is a biography writing service company – our professional writers help people preserve and enjoy their stories in a beautiful book.
Historically only rich or famous people could commission a professional to write their biography and preserve their stories for future generations. It doesn’t have to be like that. StorySavor is democratizing the biography writing process, allowing people to capture their stories in a book with the help of professional writers.
When they’re not writing our clients biographies, our writers are contributing to the most prestigious publications in the world, including: The New York Times, The Washington Post, Rolling Stone Magazine, Vice, The Huffington Post, ESPN, The Sporting News, Sports Illustrated, Men’s Health, and more.
By giving voice to people and professionally capturing their stories, we are allowing people to further their legacy and make sure their stories live on in the pages of their book. With three biography packages ranging from 7,500 words to 20,000 words (and beyond), no story is too long or short.
Founded by Joseph Quaderer, JRN