Carly Bigi ’17BUS came up with Thread Counsel when she was a management consultant struggling to find high-quality, well-tailored workwear at an affordable price point. She found herself wasting full days hunting for work clothes on the weekend while her male counterparts had several options to buy affordable, well-fitted suiting in minutes. The problem is that women shopping for affordable workwear staples are limited to styles cut from pre-existing size patterns that are made to fit an “average” woman’s shape – and no woman is “average.”
So, Carly involved real women in their solution. Rather than using one fit model for sizing, Thread Counsel takes a data-driven approach that is based on over 10,000 real women’s measurements and offers each piece in multiple shapes per size (think: a more straight up-and-down size 6 versus an hourglass size 6). Thread Counsel’s hybrid business models combines the low cost advantages of pattern-produced apparel with the superior fit and style preferences of custom tailoring.
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