Columbia Startup Lab members Connor Wilson ʼ15BUS and Nolan Walsh ʼ15BUS were born and bred in boot country; Connor from Colorado and Nolan from Nevada. Both always appreciated that there is something special about a quality pair of footwear but there is also something horrifying about paying $400 or more for a well-heeled pair of boots. So, before founding Thursday Boot Company the pair did what we all do, bought the less expensive option. And yes, you guessed it, by the end of winter, the cheap boots were already worn out.
It was an offhand remark about this disappointment that led the two to realize the opportunity for improvement. The problem was that options were limited: either low-price, low-quality, or high-style, high-quality budget-busters. Why couldn’t they market a boot with all the ruggedness required to wear the whole season with a style suitable for the office? What the world needed was a well-designed boot with a working sole and a stylish soul.
Thursday Boot Company offers a complete line of boots that are durable,
good-looking and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.
Beyond the boot, Connor and Nolan have also focused on the complete customer experience; from providing dedicated customer service to how-to videos for men on the proper way to wear boots. Check out their social media channels @thursdayboots. In their second year of business, the success of their first line has seen their product line expand with styles from Chukkas to Chelsea boots. They’ve opened up pop-up shops in New York and D.C. and have started stocking in Trunk Club locations.
Funding and revenue is as strong as their marketing machine. While they’re keeping the next steps of Thursday Boots relatively under wraps, great things are on the horizon with more partnerships, limited editions, and new products sure to follow. So what are you waiting for? Run don’t walk to their website and order a great pair of boots.