Co-founded by Columbia alumni Steve Xie ’15BUS and Jinghan Hao ’10SIPA, Wagtail is a mobile community for dog lovers. It provides an outlet for puppy parents to share photos of their canines with customizable profiles, to meet and keep in contact with fellow dog lovers through a built-in instant messenger, and to ask and answer questions related to dogs through the community forum. Wagtail’s goal is to become a marketplace for local dog services.
Since the official release of its app on Feb 2015, Wagtail significantly grows its user base from 100 to more than 30,000 dog lovers all over the United States with almost zero marketing. The iOS app accumulates almost 100 5-star reviews on App Store and with excellent user engagement statistics. It attracts several venture capitalists’ interests but the team chooses to remain as bootstrapping until the company generates revenue. The team currently is working on the android app as well as the local marketplace that they’re going to introduce to the market later 2015.
If you are a dog lover, please don’t hesitate to check out the app at mywagtail.com!