Below are some opportunities to learn about, participate in, and support innovation directly related to the pandemic.
Led by Columbia Engineering
The Columbia COVID Tech Innovation Group helps health professionals connect and collaborate with engineers to rapidly solve together emerging problems during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you want to help, suggest a project, or remain informed, fill out the interest form.
Led by the Tamer Center for Social Enterprise, Columbia Business School
The Tamer Center continues to disseminate resources and best practices for the social enterprise sector, as well as discuss the pressing social and environmental challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure vulnerable and marginalized community needs are still addressed. The Tamer Center’s resources and weekly virtual events can be found here:
Led by the Department of Defense
The Army xTechSearch Ventilator Challenge is accepting pitches through April 13.
This page is intended to provide up-to-date information regarding federal authorities, contractual vehicles, and initiatives available to support the COVID-19 response.
For entrepreneurship resources not necessarily specific to COVID-19 response projects or startups, please visit this page.