
Josh Aviner ’16SOA and Lyndsay Magid ’16SOA on Five Things That Circus Schools Should Teach Their Students

Together, Josh and Lyndsay co-founded and run Hideaway Circus, a multi-media circus production company based in Brooklyn, New York. After meeting at Columbia University, Aviner and Magid produced and directed SLUMBER, a slasher circus and dance show which premiered in New York City in the fall of 2016 and ran at the 2017 Adelaide Fringe Festival in Australia. They are currently in production shooting a virtual reality circus and dance experience recently funded through their successful Kickstarter campaign. Josh and Lyndsay also host the
HIDEAWAY Podcast, a weekly talk show where they discuss the week’s circus and theatre news and chat with artists and entrepreneurs in the industry.

To learn more about Hideaway Circus visit them online at

1/ NORTH AMERICAN CIRCUS HISTORY: Understanding the historical context of circus, particularly in North America, is essential for everyone in the circus
community. It is easy to make inaccurate assumptions about why conditions in the United States are the way they are, whether they relate to funding, artistic, or educational systems. It is critical that students learn at least two historical topics: a
national historical overview starting in 1793 with George Washington and Bill Rickets; and an examination of the international and national circus resurgence in the last thirty years. With this knowledge, students will be better prepared to take advantage of current business and artistic models and be more likely to successfully implement positive, long-lasting

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